Finale du Start Up Challenge 2024 - En ligne

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Join us for the annual gathering of the 5 Ecoles Centrale and Centrale-Supélec in North America!

3 teams composed of at least 1 student won the Startup Challenge in France. They now have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to US investors.

This is it ! The final pitch for each team in front of the alumni gathered for the occasion who will decide how their allocate their virtual capital and, as a result, rank the 3 ideas. Alumni in the room will have an opportunity to ask questions of each team. Prizes will then be awarded by the sponsors.

Lien Teams :{"Tid":"72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47","Oid":"7df2e97e-4d67-43f3-8baf-467d650b7121"}


Meeting ID: 245 424 022 855

Passcode: nz9oXZ

Dial in by phone

+1 323-849-4874,,464003296# United States, Los Angeles

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Phone conference ID: 464 003 296#

Diffusé sur : Aéronautique / Espace, Ile de France, Allemagne, Finlande, Grand Est, Occitanie - Méditerranée, Bretagne, Hauts-de-France, Normandie, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Provence - Alpes - Cô...
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